

Replace your income online using Artistic Arbitrage

High Paying Clients | Reduced Workload | Time & Location Freedom

"...from just another artist to a capable business owner in just a few weeks"

"The financial stability alone makes it all worthwhile"

"I feel in complete control of my future and finances"

Trusted partner to creative professionals in every field

Jason D.
Concept Artist
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"Not having to deal with layoffs and finally taking charge of my income has been a game changer"
Lindsey N.
VFX Artist
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"No doubt about it, this is the real deal. I can't believe how far I've gotten my business in just 12 weeks!"
Bernardo S.
Production Manager
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"After my health scare, I knew I wanted to build a business that could provide the freedom I now needed - thank you Aeryn"
Jonas T.
UI / UX Dev.
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"Aeryn is a long time friend, and now proud to call her my mentor. If I didn't see my business growth first hand myself, I'd have trouble believing it too"
Tomas P.
Graphic Designer
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"Made 4.5k in my first three weeks. Unbelievable. If you're hungry, you can win"
Nina H.
Web Developer
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"I didn't realize how much knowledge I had been missing! Growing my business was tough but SO WORTH IT"
Kimmy H.Production Coordinator
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"Having step by step guidance really helped me launch my new venture 🙂 "

What do people like Andy Warhol, George Lucas, and Steve Jobs have in common?

They are creatives who used leverage to grow their business, buy back their time so they can focus on more important things.

Contrary to what you may have been told, an art career can be one of the most lucrative things you can have.

But only if it’s used with tried and trusted systems:

Do you ever feel like, despite building a good career in the arts, you feel stuck?

The competition is fierce…

the hours are long…

the pay is inconsistent…

and all the while the burnout keeps growing…

Add to that a constant undercurrent of fear that you might be laid off or replaced by AI in the coming months?

I’ve been there.

Hi, my name is Aeryn.

I used to work in VFX (most recently at Disney Animation), but shifted focus after seeing how mass layoffs have affected friends and coworkers alike.

After making $177,000 (after taxes) in a single year, outside of my regular job.

I now work with creatives to help them leverage artistic arbitrage so that they can actually get paid what they’re worth, focus on the creatives and actually build a business that gives them time, location and financial freedom.

Think of it this way, instead of starting a business with no direction or experience, we’ve done the hard part for you. 

Meaning. Starting and scaling a creative business is no longer stressful and confusing.

In LitFin we’ll show you how to:

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."
- James Clear

Artistic Arbitrage


PHASE 01: Skill Alignment System
After onboarding, we’ll help you figure out the best business model for you.  

This way you can leverage your unique set of skills, experiences & passions to stand out from all the other freelancers looking for work.

Step 2: Custom Business Plan
Next, we’ll help you create the perfect offer and provide you with training, templates, contracts and a step by step plan.

Then, teach you how to scale it into a cash flowing business.  This will not only replace your income, but give you the financial peace of mind.  So you have the freedom to focus on more then just when bills are due.

Step 3: Client Conversion System
Next, we design your sales process and give you the tools needed to consistently bring at least 5 high paying ($1,500+) clients per month.  

This means predictable income without the fear of being laid off, covid, market crashes… It’s the science behind becoming recession proof.  

Step 4: Outsource Systems
The first 3 alone can scale you past $100,000, but you know what’s more important than money? It’s time.

So we put the right systems in place to start outsourcing the work.

Using our frameworks, your profit margins get to 80%+.  So a $1,500 project = $1,200 in your pocket when it is all said and done. 

How do I know if
LitFin is for me?

LitFin is for you if...

LitFin is not for you if...

Artistic Arbitrage

Time, Location & Financial Freedom
  • Skill Alignment System - Never Compete on Pricing
  • Step by Step Business Plan - Never Feel Lost or Overwhelmed
  • Client Conversion System - Sales & Marketing Even With No Experience
  • Outsource Systems - Buy Back Your Time
  • 1 on 1 Individual Consulting Calls ($4,800 value)
  • Never Worrying About Money Again (Priceless)

Your other options.


Doing it Yourself

All the information is technically out there.

Most people find it hard to decide whose advice to follow, and even harder to take action.

But having someone who's gone through the same journey as you makes the experience that much smoother.


Staying in a 9-5

Building and scaling a business can be hard. But so can job instability, layoffs and lack of income growth.

Our job is to make the business aspect easy to follow and understand. Then teach you how to streamline the processes.

That way you can focus on the creative parts of the business.

Different Niche

Dropshipping, sales, copywriting, amazon FBA etc.. These all have their own pros and cons.

But why start from 0, when you can leverage the skills you already have?

The grass is not greener on the other side, its green where you water it.


Here's what you get in this experience with us:

Onboarding Call:
As soon as you've signed on, you'll schedule a call that's much more than an introduction. This is where we get to know about your business goals and challenges you're facing. It's the first step to personalizing your experience.


Custom Business Plan:
Based off your Skill Alignment System, you will be recommended a business model. We then build a custom business plan tailored to you that will allow you to get to the initial stepping stone of $100,000/ year.


In-Depth Training:
You then get access to our training. Built with beginners in mind, these videos, worksheets and templates will allow those who have never started a business before to build and scale a successful enterprise.


Weekly Consulting Calls:
Schedule your 1:1 sessions with your Business Advisor. They will be able to help you apply the training to your specific situation, offer and business model.

The custom systems and resources that have been created for you is something you'll have lifetime access to and will want to reference back to as you scale.

That being said. 

98% of our clients have felt like they can consistently book projects after going through the  program - like going from zero clients to making $37,000 in a single month. Results like these are possible, but they hinge on your commitment and effort. The more you put into applying what you learn, the more you'll get out of it.

The core programs, resources will be available to clients forever.

This is something you will want to reference back to as you scale past the 6 figure mark.

That is not a problem. We've taken clients who have had no previous business experience to an average of $7,800+/month by the end of the program. LitFin is designed to help people of all experience levels. Our program includes comprehensive  resources, consulting and one of the most robust creative business trainings on the web to help you develop the skills and confidence you need to easily navigate your new business.

Some of it for sure. The internet has removed the barriers to information!  But with this unlimited access comes an overwhelming amount of noise.

The challenge becomes:
Who do you listen to?
Are you starting a brand new venture with no previous skill or experience to leverage?

Business education also rarely touches on the creative industries.
Knowing which constraints to work on in the business and how to diagnose the problems effectively are all tasks that an artist must learn.

But when you pair it with the tailored business plan and intensive consulting where you get decades of experience on your side... The answer becomes simple.

Yes, information is out there.

Just like all the winning lottery numbers are out there, but here with LitFin, you are getting the winning numbers to your personal lottery.

Michelle W.

LitFin truly kickstarted my journey towards financial freedom. Within just 3 weeks of joining, I've learned more about the business side of the art world then I ever could have through my degree in Animation! 

I can't help but feel like I have so many new options in front of me, and I'm so grateful to this program for giving the direction and confidence I desperately needed.

Stacy N.

Uncertainty is everywhere. No matter how unhappy you are with your pay, or job security, it's scary trying to pivot into completely new territory.

I knew I needed help, and decided it was finally time to put my money where my heart is and make the change that I wanted a reality.

Because of the Artistic Arbitrage program I have a completely new understanding of what I bring to the table and I'm already making more than I thought I could with just the experience and skills I already have - and I have a clear plan grow my income even more.

Jakob S.

I'm an ambitious person, but I don't have a lot of time to sort through all the information (and scams) out there about making more money online or starting your own business.

LitFin's program gave me a ton of clarity on EXACTLY why I keep seeing people ditch their 9 to 5's and how they're doing it. I don't feel like an outsider looking in anymore.

In the 12 weeks since I started the Artistic Arbitrage program I've already made my money back and then some. If you know someone who can get me a better return, let me know. Otherwise, this has to be the best program you can take to learn how to leverage your skills into a cash cow! 

Anybody trying to level up their money game/ themselves needs to get started asap. I couldn't recommend this enough, it's a money cheat code.

Elijah J.

I was lost in a sea of free online content. I read through so much advice and still kept thinking: “How does anyone actually do that”. That's when I heard about LitFin and it was like the final piece of the puzzle clicked in.

Through all the generic advice, Aeryn's insights actually stood out. Basically cut through the noise and provided a clear path forward.

I really get it now, and I talk to my friends and family about it all the time too because learning how to manage yourself like this can change your life.

This is what needs to be taught in schools, this is what we've been missing.

Izzy M.

Hey I'm Izzy, I work as a freelance video editor. LitFin has been super helpful in terms of my finances.

Working with Aeryn really took a load off my shoulders and let me prioritize projects I’m passionate about. I used to spread myself so thin to cover my bills - I was exhausted and starting to feel a bit jaded about creative work in general. I’m really glad I didn’t give up on what I love and decided to invest in it instead.

I finally understand what pieces I was missing, and honestly, I also learned a lot of things I’ve never even heard other professionals talk about. It’s been a huge shift for me and my time (and energy) has completely freed up since. If you want to be in control of your work, and your money, you owe it to yourself to learn these things sooner rather than later.

Avery E.

I came into this program looking for a better understanding of my finances and left with a system on how to manage my art as a thriving business for life.

If you want to be in control of your income, getting one-on-one guidance from someone who’s done it is the most valuable thing you can do. Learning what you have that can’t be replaced by AI, and what to avoid is eye opening and has allowed me to take the next steps with more confidence than I ever had on my own.

The best part for me: I have a fully built plan with actionable steps I know how to execute.

Mikael R.

I’m a web designer who enjoys learning new things. I found a lot of success in my career but one thing I’ve always struggled with is finances.

The more I got recognized the more demanding my work became, and somehow I still didn’t feel like I was making enough money at the end of the day.

Artistic arbitrage sounds complicated but what the program really is, is direct access to someone who can teach you the step by step of reaching financial control of your work (and it’s a lot simpler than you might think!) - Not in some viral, scammy way but in the same way that she actually did it.

It’s a long term game plan that you can immediately implement and see results. I don’t stress about money anymore, I’m the guy people come to for advice and it feels great.

Mikayla T.

LitFin was the program I wish existed when I was in college over a decade ago.

I found more clarity and direction from the templates and discussion Aeryn provided in 12 weeks than I have found on my own in 4 years. This program is a compressed gem of knowledge.

The decades worth of wisdom you get from working with her is presented in such a digestible way. There's also loads of tips and tricks that has kept me focused, and honestly really looking forward to the coaching calls each week.

This is the real deal. Smart, intuitive, direct and simple.

Leila R.

My results from taking the Artistic Arbitrage program have been nothing short of incredible. 1 month after taking it and I've already increased my income by 37% and have a solid plan to scale.

It's literally all from using the strategies I learned in this program! Couldn't recommend the it more.

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